Donald Trump, președintele ales al Statelor Unite, urmează să afle vineri sentința în dosarul „Stormy Daniels”, după ce Curtea Supremă a SUA a respins solicitarea sa de suspendare a procedurilor. Decizia instanței vine cu doar 10 zile înainte ca Trump să-și înceapă al doilea mandat prezidențial. Curtea Supremă a SUA a decis, joi, cu un […]
The US Supreme Court has rejected Donald Trump's request to delay proceedings in the Stormy Daniels case. This means Trump will be sentenced on Friday in the case, despite his claims that the legal proceedings interfered with his presidential duties. The court ruled 5-4, with the majority finding the impact of the conviction on Trump's presidential responsibilities to be "relatively insignificant".
The US Supreme Court has rejected Donald Trump's request to delay proceedings in the Stormy Daniels case. This means Trump will be sentenced on Friday in the case, despite his claims that the legal proceedings interfered with his presidential duties. The court ruled 5-4, with the majority finding the impact of the conviction on Trump's presidential responsibilities to be "relatively insignificant".